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Chicken Curry Seasoning

  • Chicken Curry is likely one of the most varied dishes in the world, being not just part of ancient Indian cuisine, but most of Asia itself. There are many stories of travellers who would share and trade recipes, often hunting for the perfect chicken curry! Traditional curry is famous for being a perfect balance of texture, spices, and nourishment. Our spice mix gives you just that with an authentic taste that India has enjoyed and perfected for centuries. Remarkably healthy, there is no mystery as to why this delicious dish has stood the test of time and become so wide spread across the world.

    Spice Level: Mild ( All our spice mixes come mild. If you would like to make it spicier, we recommend adding fresh chillies when preparing. The truly authentic is to use green and red chillies, but we've had some fantastic feedback with habaneros, jalapeños and tons more. Try changing things up, and remember how you add is up to you, but we recommend slowly adding more as you get more comfortable with spicier foods).

    This bag contains 100 grams of spice mix

  • What You Need:

    100 ml vegetable oil

    6 cloves fresh minced garlic

    1 yellow onion, diced

    1 tsp fresh ginger minced

    1 cup plain yogurt

    340 ml crushed tomatoes or two large tomatoes diced

    1 kg boneless chicken,

    chopped 2 cups water

    Spice Ingredients

    Chickpea flour, herbs and spices,sugar,salt

    Farine de pois chiches, épices et herbes, sucre, sel

  • Preparation

    Warm vegetable oil in pan on med/high for 1–2 minutes. Add garlic, onion and ginger. Cook for 3–5 minutes or until browned. Stir frequently.

    Stir in seasoning* and reduce heat to low. Stir in yogurt and tomatoes. Cook for 2 minutes. Stir in chicken and cook for 5 minutes on med/high.

    Stir in water and bring curry to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and let cook for 15–20 minutes. The curry’s texture will be thin at first. For a thicker, more traditional texture, let cool and reheat. Enjoy!

    Prep time ~ 40 minutes

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